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茄科作物疫病菌Phytophthora capsici的寄主範圍及其在土壤中存活之探討

Studies on Host Range of Phytophthora capsici and Its Length of Survival in Soil


由病原菌Phytophthora capsici所引起之茄科作物疫病,是茄科作物主要病害之一。本省南投、彰化、雲林、台南及屏東等地所栽培的甜椒、辣椒、番茄及茄子在春夏雨季受疫病為害嚴重。在全省十五個縣市的茄科作物田中採集疫病罹病植株,以選擇性培養基作組織分離,結果得到三十八個P. capsici菌株,均屬於A1配對型菌株。由田間病株作組織分離及網室接種證明,常見的雜草龍葵為P. capsici之寄主之一。利用茄子果實組織誘釣法測定結果,P. capsici菌絲、游走孢子囊、游走孢子及罹病植株殘體在網室裝有田間自然土壤的瓦盆中,分別可存活五、七、一及六個月,而在消毒土壤中則分別存活七、七、二及六個月。


疫病 茄科 寄主 存活


Phytophthora blight of solanaceous plants caused by Phytophthora capsici is one of the most destructive diseases in Taiwan. It mainly occurred on sweet pepper, hot pepper, tomato and eggplant in Nantow, Yuanlin, Changhwa, Tainan and Pingtung areas during the spring and summer rainy seasons. Thirty-eight isolates of P. capsici were isolated from 15 counties and all isolates belong to A1 mating type. Solanum nigrum is the first to be found as a host plant of P. capsici. The viable P. capsici can be detected 5, 7 and 1 month after the natural field soil inoculated with hyphae, zoosporangia and zoospore, respectively. In addition, the organism remained detectable after diseased plant buried in natural field soil for 6 months.


Phytophthora blight Solanaceous Host
