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Studies on the Fertilizer Management and Production of Organic Vegetables Planted in Plastic House


本研究目的係探討施肥對設施內土壤性質及有機蔬菜生長量之影響,做為設施內生產有機蔬菜肥培管理之參考。試驗地點於高雄區農業改良場旗南分場簡易溫室內進行。試驗時間自1999年8月起至2003年6月止,共計4年32期作。供試蔬菜為甕菜、白菜、萵苣、菠菜、莧菜、甘藍、大頭菜、小松菜等不同葉菜類。肥料處理以化學肥料(CF)及不施肥(CK)為對照,另設四等級堆肥用量處理(M1、M2、M3與M4),共六種處理,試驗設計採逢機完全區集排列,每處理重複四次。化肥區及堆肥區每期作施肥量,得視作物生育情形,及土壤肥力累積情形,停止施肥或減少用量。試驗期間以自然農法管理,不噴施任何化學藥劑。作物採收後進行土壤採樣,分析酸鹼度、飽和導電度、總氮、硝酸態氮、銨態氮、Mehlich III可萃取磷與鉀、有機質等。試驗結果顯示在設施環境條件下,周年種植有機蔬菜可以穩定生產,具有推廣性。施肥後土壤肥力達到某一程度,每期作施肥並非必要。植物生長會因土壤鹽害發生而減產,而產量與土壤因子的EC值、有效鉀、硝態氮、有機質、總氮、及有效磷等含量具有正相關性。利用這此土壤性質為指標,可以進行精準推荐施肥,防止鹽害發生,確保農地永續經營。


設施 施肥 鹽害 有機蔬菜


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of different rates of organic fertilizer on the soil proper ties and the growth of vegetables. The cultivation of vegetables was conducted at plastic house located at Chishan, Kauhsiung District Agricultural Improvement Stat ion during the years of 1999 to 2003. Water convolvulus, pak-choi, lettuce, spinach, edible amaranth, cabbage, kohlrabi, and pickled cabbage were used as indicator plants. There were four different rates of organic fertilizer treated plots, which were M1, M2, M3, and M4, respectively. The no fertilizer treated plot (CK) and chemical fertilizer treated plot (CF) were used as check. All treatments replicated four times and arranged in randomized complete block design. The fertilizer application rates were adjusted according to the growth of vegetable and soil fertility which was determined by soil analysis. Chemical reagents and resources were not allowed in the management of organic plots. The vegetables were harvested at their marketable size and soil samples were immediately taken after harvesting of vegetable. Some selected soil characteristics, such as soil pH, sat.EC, TN, NH4-N, NO3-N, O.M., Mehlich III P and K, were determined. The results showed that the product ion of vegetables planted in plastic house was stable in a year round cultivation and it can be extended to farmers. Fertilizer application is not necessary to each crop or fertilizer can be reduced when soil fertility has established to some extents which may cause crop salty problems under the circumstance of plastic house. Crop yield will significantly reduce in the presence of high salinity. Positive relationship is found between crop yield and soil factors, such as EC, available K, NO3-N, O.M., TN, and available P. Those soil factors can be observed as indicators of sustaining land ueage, recommending accurately fertilization, and preventing the occurrence of soil salty.


Adhikari, K. R. (2011). 施用堆肥及尿素之氮磷回收淋洗及土壤品質之變化 [doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.00600
