  • 期刊


The Evolving Self and Its Implication on Lifelong Learning


傳統所探討的自我是統一的自我,認為自我是統整的,理性的,真實的,自我覺知的,能夠採取行動的。然而,在當代多元化和全球化的世界中,人際與事物之間的關係,知識、信仰和引導的社會規範的支持脈絡與參照架構產生巨大的變遷,使得生命更加複雜與斷裂,個人的自我與認同的來源也變得多元而不穩定,統一的自我的概念無法充分解釋日常生活的經驗。晚近,自我的探究多關照社會文化脈絡中,人類生活之多元化角色以及他在每一種角色中所覺知到的多重自我。人們如何在多重的社會文化要求下,演化自我,發展自我,是一個重要的問題。 本文引介Kegan自我的建構發展理論,探究自我演化發展的結構與過程,並進一步討論自我的演化對終身學習的意義。Kegan自我理論強調「意義建構」與「演化發展」的概念,指出人類社會文化所形成的潛在課程,對身處社會中的個人產生種種的心靈要求。自我意識的發展即是文化對心靈的要求與個人能否達成這些要求的協商歷程與辯證關係。面對超越系統,日漸複雜化的社會生活,人們只能以更高階的心理主體層次,才能夠擁有對客體的掌握能力。主體意識層次的發展是人類面對複雜化的外在,自然產生的轉換。Kegan提出的五個愈來愈趨複雜的意識層次,說明自我作為個人與社會環境協商的中介,隨著接觸環境的複雜化,自我也需要從簡單的單點、固定範疇的認知,漸漸發展,跨越範疇,朝向複雜精緻的方向發展。這個自我演化與發展的觀點強調社會脈絡的重要性,從個人在當代生活中,環境的要求和個人主體之間的關係來探討心靈發展;說明人類在社會期望之下自我的動態發展,以及自我與社會之間的辯證關係。提供我們不但要從改變的進程來看待人類的發展,還要從改變的能力來看待人類的學習。 自我是社會建構的實體,需要因應社會快速的變化與不確定而持續地轉化。Giddens指出,變遷社會之中,自我認同是個人跨越社會變遷,超越傳統框架而形成的一條軌道。架構自我的軌道無疑是人們社會生活最重要的終身學習歷程。


The model of the self that dominates educational theory and practice is the so-called 'unitary self'. This is the autonomous self-authentic, highly rational, and capable of taking action. However, as human lives are much more complex and fragmented now than ever, the notion of a unitary self seems not enable us to understand the full complexity of our current experiences. Hence, conceptualizations of the self have changed over time, focusing more and more on a socio-cultural and socially-constructive perspective. By introducing Kegan's constructive-developmental theory, this paper attempts to explore the structure and the process of the evolving self and elaborates its implication on lifelong learning. Kegan's perspective integrates two universal human processes, meaning-making and social development, into a scheme. With five stages of evolutionary truces, the self evolves. And in the process, the old issues are revisited but at a whole new level of complexity. The world is changing and the evolving self has become the intervention when individuals negotiate and renegotiate with the more and more complicated world. The dynamic, dialectical and evolutionary way of evolving self suggests that we not only take the human development as a changing agenda, but focus on changing capacity in the human learning. The evolving self, in a sense, is a lifelong learning process.


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