  • 期刊


The Expression of Female Characteristics and Interaction with Feminism in 19^(th) Century in Franz Liszt's Oratorios, The Legend of St. Elizabeth (Die Legende von der heiligen Elisabeth) and Christ (Christus)


李斯特(Franz Liszt, 1811-1886)於1865 年正式受禮成為天主教「低品階」(minor order)神父,在此前後,他完成了兩部神劇《聖伊莉莎白傳奇》(DieLegende von der heiligen Elisabeth, 1857-1862),以及《基督》(Christus, 1862-1866)。其中,《聖伊莉莎白傳奇》以13 世紀被封為「聖人」的女子為體裁,敘述此女子一生的悲歡離合;《基督》劇情發展到基督耶穌最重要的兩個人生段落「誕生」與「死亡」時,李斯特以耶穌的母親——聖母瑪利亞的視角,使用13 世紀聖芳濟修士Jocopone da Todi(1230-1306)所寫的兩首詩歌《歡喜沉思的聖母》(stabat mater speciosa)以及《聖母悼歌》(stabat mater dolorosa)來表現這位彌賽亞的生與死。19 世紀正值法國大革命、拿破崙稱帝、歐洲政權動亂,19 世紀中葉的工業革命更造成社會階級革命,百家學說紛起,「自由主義女性主義」(LiberalFeminism)、「社會主義女性主義」(Socialist Feminism)即興起於這個時代。而李斯特神劇中之女性特質,恰與19 世紀女性主義及宗教復興運動相輝映,透過作曲家精湛的手法,以音樂呈現女性愛與悲憐的榮美特質。


Franz Liszt (1811-1886) was ordained as a minor catholic cleric in 1865. During the time while he was a cleric, he completed two oratorios, The Legend of St. Elizabeth (Die Legende von der heiligen Elisabeth, 1857-62) and Christ (Christus, 1862-66). The Legend of St. Elizabeth is the story of a 13^(th) century princess from the Kindom of Hungary, Landgravine of Thruingia, who became a widow at the age of 20. She unselfishly served the sick and the poor and was canonized after her death. Liszt wrote the oratorio Christ from the perspective of Mary, the mother of Jesus. He used the lyrics of Jocopone da Todi's (1230-1306) stabat mater speciosa and stabat mater dolorosa to describe two important rites of passage, the birth and the death of Jesus Christ. At the end of the 18^(th) century, during the French Revolution Napoleon proclaimed himself emperor and caused great Europe political upheavals in Europe. The Industrial Revolution in the mid-19^(th) century caused further social evolution and revolution. "Liberal feminism" and "Socialist feminism" were born during this period. This paper focuses on the feminist characters in the two oratorios by Liszt, the interaction between feminism and the catholic reformation of the 19^(th) century, and the compositional techniques and materials of the oratorios expressing woman's love and mercifulness.


Locke, Ralph P.(1986).Music, Musicians, and the Saint-Simonians.Chicago:the University of Chicago Press.
