

目的:探討haptoglobin基因型多型性與乳癌發生之關係,我們選取正常人與乳癌病患作為檢測。 材料及方法:我們使用PCR方式分析haptoglobin在138個正常成人與87個非家族性 乳癌病患的基因型。 結果:乳癌病患haptoglobin基因型分佈如下:Hp^1/Hp^1:10.3%; Hp^2/Hp^1:42.5%, Hp^2/Hp^2:42.5%, Hp^1/Hp(上標 del):3.45%及Hp^2/Hp(上標 del) 1.15%。Hp(上標 del), Hp^1 and Hp^2基因分佈分別為:2.3%, 33.3%及64.4%。乳癌病患haptoglobin基因多型性分佈與正常人雷同。進一步分析五十位有病理報告的病患顯示,haptoglobin多型性與其並無相關,臨床表現亦進一步分析,也顯示無相關。 結論:Haptoglobin基因多型性在乳癌發生學上並無顯著角色。


Objects: To investigate the association between haptoglobin genotypic polymorphism and development of breast cancer, we evaluated cases diagnosed with breast cancer in our hospital and healthy individuals who were selected at random. Methods: Haptoglobin genotypes were analyzed with polymerase chain reaction method in 138 normal controls and 87 patients with non-familiar breast cancer. Results: The haptoglobin genotypes of breast cancer patients were as the follows: Hp^1/Hp^1, 10.3%; Hp^2/Hp^1, 42.5% and Hp^2/Hp^2, 42.5%, Hp^1/Hp(superscript del): 3.45% and Hp Hp^2/Hp(superscript del) 1.15%. The allele frequencies of Hp(superscript del), Hp^1 and Hp^2 were 2.3%, 33.3% and 64.4%, respectively. The frequency of Hp genotype was the same as that of the control individuals. The frequency of Hp allele was also not different from that of healthy individuals. Fifty breast cancer cases had pathological report for further analysis of the association between the parameters and Hp genotype, and it did not show any significant difference. The clinical courses were also analyzed and showed no difference in survival in each Hp genotype. Conclusions: Results of this study demonstrate that haptoglobin genotype polymorphism does not play an important role in carcinogenesis in breast cancer.
