  • 期刊


The Aesthetic Aspect of the Philosophy of Life-On Aesthetics


生命哲學是筆者所揭示的哲學體系,意指哲學的研究內在於生命,生命不是哲學研究的對象,因此「不是以哲學講生命,而是以生命講哲學」。 美學的傳統意涵是指經由感官的感受而臻於完善的過程。由德國哲學家鮑姆嘉敦(Baumgarten, 1714-1762)於一七三五年才確立成為哲學研究的一個獨立課題,但美學的發展由康德、黑格爾,發展成一套對「絕對」追求的系統,及海德格及其學生嘉達美,法蘭克福學派的阿多諾、馬庫克,更深化,並提出普遍的基礎,也就是對美的追求其實就是人類生命轉化的動力,亦是社會改革的動力。 美和生命同為實體的本體,存在既是本體的根基,存在既是生命,生命便是美的根基,生命充實而有光輝才是美,造物主是絕對精神體,本體充實,內涵無限,造物主本體的表露,具有至高至大的光輝,乃稱為絕對至高之美。 生命哲學的美學,宣示生命的完成是企向造物主的成全。真、善、美是造物主天主的表達,亦是對人揭示了可追求的目的。


The philosophy of Bishop Lokwang focuses on the philosophy of life. Life is not the object of philosophical reflection, but life constitutes philosophy. As a matter of fact, “Life does not come from philosophical speculation, it is philosophy.” According to tradition, aesthetics refers to the perfection of the sense experience process, and the German philosopher Baumgarten (1714-1762) first made it an independent field of study. Due to the subsequent developrnent through Kant and Hegel, the deepening of its fundamental principles through Heidegger and his student Gadamer, and the Frankfurt School Philosophers such as Adorno and Marcuse, the quest of beauty became the transforming force of human life and consequently that of society. Beauty and Life are the manifestation of substantial being. As life spring from being, it is the source of beauty, this means that when the fullness of life shines forth, it is beauty. From the absolute spiritual substance of the Creator, with absolute fullness of being and infinite richness of life, is revealed the sublimity of light. It is thus named the Absolute and Supreme Beauty. The aestethic aspect of the philosophy of life reveals the fact that human life aspires to the perfection of the Creator, It also shows that truth, goodness and beauty, the expressions of God the Creator, are revealed to us the possible end of human pursuit.



