  • 期刊


The Foundation and Immanence of Political Ethics


在台灣近些年來,產生了許多新秀政治流氓,活躍在進野,活躍在政治舞台上下,什麼政治是高明的騙術,不騙不是政治,最好的政治,只是我才是,其餘都是小癟三,置道德真理於不顧,謊言變成了真理,誠實則連零都不如,好好的台灣,讓這些政治新秀,破壞的比野蠻還野蠻,救台灣恢復到過去的好台灣真不知道還要多少年了! 救和恢復,或創建更新更好的台灣,當務之急,要去掉垃圾,為創造美好的台灣,必須先從政治開始,為此,我們草成了政治倫理(更恰當的定名是)政治道德一篇,讓我們瞭解真正政治的內含,共謀改善,國家興亡,良好或真正政治臨場! 在本文內我們著重兩點:一是政治倫理量度的基礎。一是內容的舖陳。


政治倫理 士林哲學 倫理學


These years, we have witnessed many uprising bullyboys who are extremely aggressive in the political world, propagandizing things like: politics is a sophisticated art of cheating; politics is nothing without lying; I am the only best thing in politics, while others are nothing but scamps. Morality and Truth are ignored; Truth gives way to deception; and Honesty is worth nothing. These uprising bullyboys have brought our nice and decent country into a land worse than barbarism, and we don't even know how many years it's going to take us to save Taiwan and bring it back to the nice and decent state. To save, to restore, or to create a newer and better Taiwan, our first emergency is to throw those craps away. And politics is the first step to take; therefore, we draft an article on political ethics (or more appropriately called ”political morality”), as the Prince of Demark once said, ”The time is out of joint. O cursed spite. That ever I was born to set it right.” In this paper, we focus on two points: the foundation of political ethics and the development of its immanence.


Political Ethics Scholasticism Ethics


E. Garcia Estebanez(1970)。公益與政治倫理。巴塞隆那:
E Diaz(1969)。權利與民主社會政府。馬德里:
Garcia Delayo著(1977)。現代國家轉形。馬德里:
I Sanchez Agesta(1967)。政治學理之認知:天主教社會學理論讀本。馬德里:

