  • 期刊


Insight: The Process, Boundaries and Development


越來越多的學者對郎尼根(Bernard Lonergan, 1904-1984)這個當代新士林哲學大家的思想感到興趣。我們已然發現,幾乎所有哲學側面均有學者專精研究,其中又以其認知理論、科學哲學乃至於神學等方面特別引起關注,亦累積了相當可觀的研究成果,甚至於已有在北美形成「郎尼根學」的趨勢。然而就在各個面向的闡釋、拓深、比較與應用之下,基礎性與根本性問題有時反而容易語焉不詳、形成盲點或受到忽略;吾人以為,若此一根本領域未能論述清晰,則其哲學體系之構成亦難謂穩固堅實,遑論進一步地開放發展。此處所言的根本問題正是「洞察」一詞的的現象、意涵乃至於人類在瞭悟行為中,究竟發生了什麼事之謂也。 故此,本文的首要目標即在於釐清此-最基本、最有趣卻也最難說明清楚的現象與行為。其次,從「一團迷霧」直至洞察的關鍵時刻出現之間,究竟發生了什事,其「分界點」在裡的問題,亦是本文關心的主題。最後,解開問題所需之內在條件所憑藉的是什麼,亦值得探討,本文舉出郎尼根所言之經驗方法做為促進瞭悟行為的關鍵。本文以具體實例為引,分析於後,期能深入淺出地將人類獨有的的瞭悟行為的輪廓疏理出來。


More and more scholars are interested in the thought of Bernard Lonergan, a significant philosopher in the neo-scholastic tradition. Almost every aspect of his thought has been studied, especially cognitional theory, scientific philosophy, metaphysics and theology. Much has been achieved, to the extent that there is now in North America a research stream, which is named the ”Lonergan circle.” While there have been many illustrations, extrapolations, comparisons and applications of Lonergan's work, some foundational problems seem to have been ignored. I believe elaboration of these basic questions is important if Lonergan's philosophical system is to further develop. Here we will discuss insight itself-the phenomenon, meaning and what really happens in the act of understanding. Therefore, the primary aim of this paper is to clarify the phenomenon of insight, the fact which is most fundamental and interesting but, also, the most difficult to explain. Then, we focus on the boundary between ”staring” and ”insight”. We also consider the inner conditions allowing people to work out a problem. Finally, We will point out that the empirical method is the key approach to promote understanding.
