  • 期刊


On the Trinity of Teleology, Happiness Ethics and Virtue Ethics


古希臘大哲亞里斯多德,以其專長的「倫理學」,開創了倫理道德的「目的論」「幸福論」和「德行論」三合一的思想體系。在其著作等身的學說內涵中,首先,從消極的表達「沒有存在虛度」,經積極的肯定「一切存在皆有目的」,以及「所有行動者都因目的而動」,到萬事萬物的「內在目的性」的陳述,完成了目的論的學理。繼則,亞氏對人性「天生求知」的知性發現,奠定了人性銳敏頭腦之後,進一層發展出豐饒心靈「天生求福」的德性訴求,奠定了幸福快樂的人生觀。 不過,亞氏也直覺到,幸福可不是天上掉下來的東西,而是需要人用積德來交換。德行論因而是人生的始點。可是,那句「為善不易」的經驗之談,迫使亞氏開始了漫長的心路歷程。不過,有德才有福,「福德一致」最終還是在亞氏的思辯中,成為天經地義之事。 人生有目的,這目的就是幸福;要獲得幸福,就要修德。目的、幸福、德行三者,彼此之問有密切的關連性。 本論文一來嘗試用思想史的立場,闡明在亞里斯多德的哲學思想體系中,這三者彼此之問的關連,進而二來辯證三者的合一性。


Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher, developed the philosophical trinity of teleology, happiness ethics and virtue ethics on the basis of his specialty, ethics. He constructed the theories of teleology by affirming: there is a goal for every being; all actors are goal-directed; and there is internal teleonomy in everything. Then, after confirming the sensible intelligence of human beings, Aristotle further claimed that a rich mind has a natural thirst for happiness and established the outlook of happiness. However, Aristotle was also instinctively aware that happiness doesn't happen for nothing, and men can only gain it by means of their own virtues. Therefore, virtue ethics is the starting point of life. Yet, addressing the difficulty of doing good, Aristotle therein began a long spiritual journey. But since happiness and virtue can't do without each other, their unity is something perfectly justified in Aristotle's philosophy. There is always a goal for one's life, which is happiness. To gain happiness, one must work on his or her virtue. Goals, happiness and virtue are closely interrelated. This paper is attempted to explain, from the perspective of the history of philosophy, how goals, happiness and virtue are interrelated in Aristotle's philosophical framework and to argue for their trinity.


Goals Teleology Happiness Happiness Ethics Virtue Virtue Ethics Deontology Hedonism Aristotle Ethics Metaphysics
