  • 期刊


The Notion of Being-a Commentary on Lonergan's Insight, Chapter 12, Sections 1 to 6


郎尼根在存有的議題上分辨「存有」的「想念」(Notion)、「概念」(Concept)、「觀念」(Idea)。「想念」又名「誘導性想念」(Heuristic Notion),意謂尚未完全知悉一被意向之對象內容而企圖圓滿地把握它。若放在「存有」的前提上,「存有想念」一辭則意謂純求知欲指望著整體視域。郎尼根從中分別凸顯其「客體面」、「主體面」、「整體面」、「核心面」與「困惑面」以企圖對「存有想念」作一較詳細的提示。


Concerning one's knowledge of Being, Lonergan differentiates three perspectives: the Notion, the Concept and the Idea of Being. The term ”notion” is also known as ”heuristic notion”, meaning one's attempt to fully apprehend the content of an object not yet completely known. In the context of Being, the term ”Notion of Being” conveys the meaning of one's pure desire to know anticipating a Total Horizon which includes everything about everything. From this Supreme Heuristic Notion, Lonergan further emphasizes its objective, subjective, total, central, as well as its puzzling aspect, so as to enable us to have a deeper appreciation of the whole topic.
