  • 期刊


Three Questions from Chinese Philosophy Addressed to Husserl's Phenomenology




他者 同情 良知 意向性 寂然意識


Chinese philosophers, especially Mencius, Wang Yangming and Wang's followers, pursue the way to become a 「holy man」, which requires a thorough reflection on, and a radical change of one's own consciousness. Hence they discover and investigate some special aspects of consciousness, which haven't been taken into account by Husserlian Phenomenology, and therefore pose revealing questions to the latter. This article discusses three of them: the first question concerns a direct feeling for other human beings and animals; the second question concerns the relation between the moral conscience and the immediate consciousness of one's own intentional acts or lived-experiences; the third question concerns the intentionality of the meditative, tranquil consciousness.


H. Feick.(1961).Index zu Heideggers "Sein und Zeit".Tuebingen:Max Niemeyer.
(1972).Sein und Zeit.Tuebingen:Max Niemeyer.
M. Heidegger.,J. Macquarrie (translated),E. Robinson(1962).Being and Time.New York:Harper Collins.
(The other works published in Heidegger's Gesamtausgabe will be referred to with the abbreviation GA with the number of the volume).
S. G. Crowell.(2001).Husserl, Heidegger, and the Space of Meaning. Paths toward Transcendental Phenomenology Evanston.Illinois:Northwestern University Press.
