  • 期刊


Language, Knowledge and Neo-Marxism-An Evaluation of Adam Schaff's Contribution to Contemporary Marxist Philosophy


作為當代著名的波蘭哲學家之亞當‧沙夫,不但在語言哲學、語意學、認識論、一般人學等方面有卓越的成就與貢獻,他還是東歐新馬克思主義的催生者兼領航人。以語言學和語意學的角度,他分析青年馬克思早期的作品,強調個人的自我實現與異化的克除是馬克思學說的核心,也是馬克思思想所以是基(激)進的、好戰的、整合的,甚至是樂觀的與科學的人本主義之緣由。有異於沙特偏重個人自由,而又是籠統與抽象的存在主義,更與阿圖舍空泛的、反人本主義的結構主義迴然不牟,馬克思的人本信念在追求個人真正的快樂與幸福和人群最終的自由與解放。馬克思從有血有肉、活生生的個人出發,敘述個人如何通過語言的學習與應用,不只變成社會中的一個成員,還靠認知與知識的作用開物成務、利用厚生,成為社會的改造者和歷史的開拓者。他雖主張暴力的無產階級之革命,但也不放棄溫和的社會變革。這是沙夫在研究前後期馬克思的思想所強調的主旨。在其漫長的學術生涯之後段, 沙夫致力於當前人類困境之剖析,以及尋求拯救之道。他從一般語言學之闡述,發展到政治符號學之彰顯,俾為陷身國際銜突、種族虐殺、人口膨脹、貧富懸殊、生態失衡、環境惡化的現代人尋求一條生路。他如實地貫徹理論與實踐之合一,而體現馬克思的人本主義、人文關懷與人道精神。


East European Neo-Marxism is an important part of the twentieth-century Neo-Marxism. As the international influence of East European Neo-Marxism is growing, an overall understanding of its theory is essential to studies in this field. The so-called overall understanding should not be limited to the surface of the theory. Rather than seeing it as a sort of positivist knowledge or instrumental theory, we have to delve into the critical field in reality opened up by this theory and reveal its historical features and critical understanding about social reality. Therefore, this article studies the Problematic of East European Neo-Marxism, as well as the three dimensions of its problematic consciousness, through the organic combination of the ”logic in reality” and the ”logic in theory” in wishes to put its basic theoretical features and value orientation in perspective.


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Kolakowski, Leszek(1979).Die Hauptströmungen des Marxismus: Entstehung, Entwicklung, Zerfull.München:R. Piper& Co. Verlag.
Marx, Karl(1981).Frühe Schriften.Darmstadt:Wissenschaftliche Buchgemeinschaft.
