  • 期刊


The Linguistic Existentialistic Dimension of Systemic Hermeneutics: Informed by the Dialogue between Paul Ricoeur's "La Métaphore vive" and Hans-Georg Gadamer's Hermeneutics


若可當代歐陸哲學之詮釋學轉向劃分為德系與法系兩大體系或方向,則高達美與呂格爾可謂兩方關鍵人物。體系性詮釋學若欲成為詮釋學哲思運動之後設理論或論述平台,必須探討兩者間的詮釋學對話,尤其是就兩者均深究的詮釋學之語言存有學向度而言。這場對話乃是緣起於呂格爾攝納高達美《真理與方法》所開示的「語言之活(生命性)的隱喻性」(lebendige Metaphorik der Sprache)之觀念而開展出其自身《活的隱喻》之隱喻詮釋學。因此相對於一般關於《活的隱喻》之研究注重呂氏與法系符號學及英美語義學之對比,本文先揭示《活的隱喻》德文譯本與法系原版本之德系詮釋學之異同,顯示出呂氏藉由後者進而與德系詮釋學對話之企圖,接著,梳理出呂格爾《活的隱喻》詮釋學之基本問題意識,基本思路以及其語言存有學底體系性基設,然後凸顯出其受高達美關於「語言之生命性的隱喻性」之后先發,以及呂格爾與高達美就詮釋學性語言存有學基設向度而進行的對話,最後,就本文主題範圍內已處理及尚未處理的問題在開放性結論中預示出呂格爾與高達美以及其他德系哲學如黑格爾及海德格之多元(方)對話。


Among contemporary Continental philosophies, if Hermeneutics can be divided into the two major systems or directions of German and French Hermeneutics, Paul Ricoeur and Hans-Georg Gadamer are Gadamer the key figures respectively. We have to inquire the Hermeneutic dialogue between them for the purpose of making systemic Hermeneutics the meta-theory or discourse platform for the philosophical movement of Hermeneutics. This dialogue derives from the fact that Ricoeur adopted the idea of ”lebendige Metaphorik der Sprache” as revealed in Gadamer's ”Truth and Method” and then developed his own Hermeneutics of metaphor in ”La Métaphore vive”. Therefore, while studies on ”La Métaphore vive” generally focus on the contrast between Ricoeur's French semantics and English and American semantics, here we first disclose the differences and similarities between the German translation and the German Hermeneutics of the French edition of ”La Métaphore vive” to reveal Ricoeur's attempt to have a dialogue with German Hermeneutics through the latter. Then, sorting out the systematic assumptions of the fundamental question consciousness, fundamental thinking and linguistic ontology of Ricoeur's Hermeneutics in ”La Métaphore vive”, we highlight how Ricoeur was inspired by Gadamer on the ”metaphor of life in language” and how they had a dialogue on the assumptive dimension of Hermeneutic linguistic ontology. Finally, regarding the questions that have and haven't been dealt with in the thematic range of this article, the non-conclusive conclusion indicates the pluralistic dialogue between Ricoeur and Gadamer along with other German philosophies, such as Hegel and Heidegger.


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