  • 期刊

Institutional Obstacles to Sustainable Governance of Natural Resources: A Deliberative Approach



本論文的目的是鑒於部分的協商模型,找出可持續發展的一些制度障礙。一個基本想法是由於缺乏對自己最佳利益的相關知識的瞭解,而使可持續發展受到行動不協調的威脅。這可能被作為一個經濟和生態發展平衡的需要,而這個需要往往受到科技與道德進步間的特定的緊張關係的威脅。Georg Henrik von Wright的無限的科學和技術發展的討論是看到了一個方面。他描述了一個緊張的部分原因是由技術需要引起的,即相信無限科技發展和增長是可利用的。在批評這個信念時他指出不斷更新的技術發展來自科學和工業革命,而這給人類帶來道德頹廢。因此,無限的信念(科學技術)的發展是我們的道德發展的威脅。筆者想把還原論者思考路線和John Dryzek的人類中心主義和生態可持續性問題為中心的方法批評聯繫在一起。因此,由馮賴特和Dryzek討論的根據一個標準(技術進步)或一維集中在人類或非人類自然(人類中心主義和生態中心主義)來處理各種問題是本文的基本出發點。一方面,可持續發展的障礙是與有關動作的協調性問題,這在一定程度上也與資訊短缺有光。可持續發展障礙的另一個理論來源是康德的反思判斷理論(康德1952)。簡單地說,本文的主要觀點是利益的孤立或康德的術語對反思判斷的需要。對馮賴特的批評,我認為,可持續發展應考慮技術進步與道德進步之間的平衡。筆者從三個方面來審查追尋平衡(a)公眾的問題(杜威,1927),(b)反思判斷/開闊的思維方式(康德、阿倫特),和(c)協商民主(Dryzek 1995)。除了討論了可持續發展這一理論的框架,筆者也引用了在中國環境中的可持續發展的體制性障礙的實證案例,比如廣東省的漁業政策。


Based on parts of the negotiation model, this article is meant to find some institutional obstacles to sustainable development. One fundamental thought is that, due to not understanding what's the best for one's own interests, sustainable development is threatened by the discoordination in actions. This discoordination might be considered a necessity for the balance between economical and ecological developments. Georg Henrik von Wright's discussion about the infinity of scientific and technological developments somehow sees one of its dimensions. He describes how parts of the tension are caused by technical needs, that is, the belief in the utility of infinity of technological development and growth. As criticizing this belief, he points out that the incessantly upgraded technical development is a result of science and industrial revolution, which threatens to make people morally decadent. Therefore, the development of the belief in the infinity (of scientific techniques) is a threat to the development of our morality. The Writer attempts to relate the reductionists' line of thinking with John Dryzek's methodological critique, which revolves around the issues of human centrism and ecological sustainability. To put it simply, this article mainly argues against the isolation of interests or, in Kant's terms, the need for reflective judgment. With regards to Von Wright's criticism, the writer believes that sustainable development should factor in technological and moral progresses and seeks improvements of methods for better-informed publics (Dewey 1927), the approach of reflective judgment/open-mindedness, and deliberative democracy (Dryzek 1995). While discussing the theoretical framework of sustainable development, the writers cites some realistic examples of the institutional obstacles to sustainable development of he environments in China, for instance, the fishing policy of Guangdong.
