  • 期刊


On Heideggerian Elements in Rahner's Theological Thinking-A Study in Reception History of Ideas


拉內(Karl Rahner)在1934到1936年間到德國弗萊堡大學哲學系跟隨侯內克(Martin Honecker)攻讀博士學位。1936年5月,他向系方提交博士論文草稿,其以一種獨特的方式融合了馬雷夏與海德格之哲學來解釋多瑪斯思想。不料,這個博士論文竟被侯內克給當掉,據悉係因其受海德格影響太大而未能充分反映出士林哲學傳統。無疑地,海德格對拉內的影響是很大。但拉內卻認為他的神學在諸多內容上並非來自於海德格。他僅承認有從海德格那裡學到一些方法,諸如:如何去詮釋一文本、如何去洞察出事物間的關係、如何將現代的問題帶入傳統的神學裡等等。本文係作為一思想史研究,欲探究拉內這篇失敗的博士論文究竟是在何種程度上讓侯內克無法接受,以及這到底跟海德格的哲學有何關係。它是透過研究拉內的海德格接受史來分析拉納神學中的海德格因素,並試圖藉以將拉內的海德格接受史當做哲學與神學間的一個詮釋學對話案例。


拉內 海德格 哲學與神學 詮釋學


During 1934 and 1936, Karl Rahner studied his Ph.D. under the supervision of Martin Honecker in the department of philosophy at the University of Freiburg. In May 1936, he submitted to the department a draft of his doctoral thesis which fused in a unique way Maréchal's and Heidegger's philosophy in order to interpret Thomas Aquinas' thought. Unexpectedly, this doctoral thesis was rejected by Honecker because it accordingly came under Heidegger's influence so much that it failed to reflect the scholastic tradition sufficiently. It is undoubted that Heidegger's influence on Rahner is crucial. Nevertheless, Rahner does not think that much of his theology is derived from Heidegger with regard to its contents. Rahner admits only that he learned something methodical from Heidegger, namely: how to interpret a text, how to see relationships which are not directly obvious, or how to convey modem problems to the traditional theology closely, etc. This article, as a kind of study of intellectual history, is to investigate to what extent Rahner's failed doctoral thesis is for Honecker unacceptable and how it has to do with Heidegger's philosophy eventually. It wants to analyze the Heideggerian elements in Rahner's theology through studying the history of Rahner's reception of Heidegger and tries to regard this reception history as a hermeneutical case of dialogue between philosophy and theology.


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