  • 期刊


Faith, Deconstruction and Radical Hermeneutics


「解構」是一種給了我們一種接近事物、理解事物的方式,這正是Jean-Luc Nancy在說到「解構本身就是基督教的」或「基督教本身即是解構的」之時,為我們開版了一種可能,即是如何地通過了基督教的文本來理解福音,並且,通過此一福音來理解:基督教的起源和出現就是在超越自身中形成的。本文即是以激進的詮釋學來理解「信仰」一詞如何地理解「作為解構的基督教」相關的主題,包括了愛、離棄、希望、死亡、虛無等思想,展現了一種在解構的實際操作方式中來理解「作為解構的基督教」是如何可能的。


信仰 希望 離棄


Deconstruction is means that an operation of dismantling and distension to construction of the Faith. When Jean-Luc Nancy indicates that "deconstruction of Christianity," a possibility is opened for us to understand the text of Christianity, and also through this gospel to understand: the root and rise of Christianity is formed though surpassing Christianity herself. Christianity is in itself essentially the movement of its own distension, and of deconstruction origin. This paper concerns with the theme: "Faith," with the idea of Radical Hermeneutics that are related to "Christianity as Deconstruction" including love, abandon, hope, which demonstrate how does Christianity make a self-deconstruction. "Christianity as Deconstruction" is the end of onto-theo-logical or metaphysic of presence.


Faith Love Abandon Hope


Aquinas, Thomas. Summa Theologica
Caputo, John(1993).Against Ethics: Contributions to a Poetics of Obligation with Constant Reference to Deconstruction.Bloomington:Indiana University Press.
Caputo, John(1987).Radical Hermeneutics: Repetition, Deconstruction, and Hermeneutic Project.Bloomington:Indiana University Press.
Caputo, John(2006).The Weakness of God: A Theology of the Event.Bloomington:Indiana University Press.
Sherwood, Yvonne(Ed.),Hart, Kevin(Ed.)(2005).Derrida and Religion.New York:Routledge.
