  • 期刊


Transition and Beginning—the Interrogation of the Significance of Dasein and Ontology in Being and Time, From the Perspective of Levinas




In God, Death and Time Lévinas has pointed out that, Heidegger's thesis still originates from the significance of Being. Such statement for the phenomenology which is crucial to the transition from "Being" to "Significance", has designated that Heidegger was no longer a phenomenologist after Being and Time, besides, Heidegger's claim for the significance surrounded by Being could not provide any possibility of conceiving the question of human beings beyond Being. Husserl's critique has drawn up the difference between Heidegger and the phenomenology, and Lévinas' criticism has distinguished Heidegger from the ethics. In this thesis, we will dispose the discussion in Lévinas' explanation for Heidegger. Apart from attempting to investigate whether such explanation from Lévinas who has regarded Heidegger's thoughts as "a necessary transition" is legitimate or not, we will also try to rethink carefully the relation between the traditional ontology, and Heidegger's ontology which poses a question of the significance of "Being" from the subject of "Dasein".


Dasein Being and Time Heidegger Lévinas Ethics Ontology


Heidegger, Martin,Martineau, Emmanuel(Traduit)(2005).Etre et Temps.Edition numerique hors-commerce.
Lévinas, Emmanuel(2004).De l'existence à l'existant.Paris:J. Vain.
Lévinas, Emmanuel(1994).Le temps et l'autre.Paris:PUF.
Lévinas, Emmanuel(1978).Autrement qu'être ou au-delà de l'essence.Paris:Martinus Nijhoff.
Lévinas, Emmanuel(1993).Dieu, la mort et le temps.Paris:Editions Grasset & Fasquelle.
