  • 期刊


The Leap of the Integration of Body, Mind and Spirit




身心靈 感性 理性 靈性 幸福 整合 躍昇


Body, Mind and Spirit are one and the same. As designed by Catholic philosophy, sensibility, reason and spirituality are all some kind of cognitive tools, some way of knowing that helps us know the objects. Sensible knowing is meant to helps us know the feeling subjects; reasonable knowing helps us know the facts, the reality and the truth; spirituality helps us know the power of the being, the transcendent and the infinite person. From the perspective of Christianity, soul is essentially different from but closely related to body. In Greek philosophy, soul is characterized by morality and consists of the spiritual and the philosophical dimensions. There are the dichotomous philosophy of man and the trichotomous philosophy of man in Greek philosophy; the former refers to man being formed by soul and body, while the latter refers to man consisting of soul, reason and body. According to the Jewish thoughts as found in the Old Testament, man is an integrated entity that can be approached through the dimensions of body, spirit or religion, while the three dimensions are one and the same. Therefore, even when one passes away, he is still an integrated entity, except now there is neither life nor vitality in him. As parts of the Old Testament, wisdom literature presents the concept of "soul" or the "immortality of soul" as a likely effect of Greek culture. In the New Testament, "soul" has various meanings; it can refer to life, the integrated person of man, and also the most secret and valuable pare of mind that particularly makes one an image of the Lord.


Body-Mind-Spirit Sensibility Reason Spirit Happiness Integration Leap


Hicks, R. D. (Ed.). Aristotle. De Anima. With Translation, Introduction, and Notes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1907.
Jung, C. G. Analytical Psychology: Its Theory and Practice. Foreword by E. A. Bennet. London and Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1963.

