  • 期刊


The Origin of Evil, Self-Responsibility and the Change of Heart-On Kant's Thought of Radical Evil Centered on Disposition (Gesinnung)




The origin of evil does not come from the sensuous nature of the human being, and the natural inclinations originating from it, because these inclinations are not directly related to evil. According to Kant, our human nature has a primary propensity to evil, but it is not generated from outside but imposed by ourselves, for which Kant identifies as "radical evil". So human being should be responsible for the evil. The radical evil has an ontological foundation - disposition (Gesinnung). From incentives dualism perspective, the radical evil can be explained by our free power of choice (Willkür) that reverses the moral order between moral law and happiness (self-love) when incorporating those two into our maxims. The first subjective ground of the maxims is disposition. So the transformation from evil to good is possible only through a revolution in the disposition.


李明輝,〈康德的「根本惡」說—兼與孟子的性善說相比較〉,《中國文哲研究集刊》2(1992.3): 325-352。
樂小軍,〈康德與根本惡〉,《道德與文明》2(2020): 77-83。
