  • 期刊


Cultural Interpretation and Practical Corroboration of Bigu's Value of Regimen and Mind Cultivation




辟穀 機理 養生 修心修德 文化實踐


Bigu (grain avoidance) is an objective fact exist in history and reality. It stems from Daoist regimen and cultivation in ancient China. It is insufficient to undertake a research merely from the perspective of medical fasting cure, but also requires an understanding and interpretation from a greater horizon of culture and life cultivation. In my view, bigu is an activity that, with an active attitude, in certain period, one chooses to abstain from food of grains in order to achieve curation, regimen, and mind training. One can survive and become healthy in avoiding eating for seven days, and the basic mechanism lies in fast and energy-cultivation. Concretely, it cures and strengthens the body in the following manners. First, it discharges body waste and toxin. Second, it consumes fat, reduce fat and beautify the body. Third, it purify blood, strengthens the body, and prolongs life. Besides, it is valuable in mental health and virtue cultivation. First, bigu is helpful for developing one's wisdom and motivates one's potentials. Second, bigu enable us to rethink life, transform our value view, and promotes our life realization realm. Third, bigu makes us form a virtue of temperance and autonomy and a life style of continuous health.


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