  • 期刊

The Problem of Irrational Humans in a Rational Cosmos in Cheng Yi's Philosophy



Cheng Yi belongs to the daoxue (道學) school of the Northern Song dynasty, which recognized the World as rational, and as such viewed all beings as governed by li (理). However, he also raised the issue of a moral subject through a discussion of the tension between tianli (天理) and renyu (人欲). But how can an irrationality like human desire exist within the rational cosmos governed by li? Does that mean that the order of li is not thorough? Mou Zongsan argued that Cheng Yi's li exists without action. But this makes Cheng Yi's famous remark that there is only one source for both the substance and the function, and there is no gap between what is apparent and what is hidden (體用一源, 顯微無間), which argues for the rational order governing all phenomena, a failed thesis. Cheng Yi detours the ontological discourse by transforming the problem of irrational humans within a rational cosmos into a problem of emotions in moral subjects. This transformation played an important role in shifting the focus of Neo-Confucianism from cosmology and ontology to human emotions.




天理 人欲 體用 顯微 不合理人 合理世界


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