  • 期刊


Discussion of the Political Thought and Textual Nature of Houfu in Tsinghua Bamboo slips




《厚父》 天命 民本 教化 禁酒 西周思想


Based on the re-interpretation of the bamboo slips, this paper summarized the political thoughts reflected in the text. The first thought is destiny thought. Hou fu required the emperor pay important attention to sacrifice, common people, morality and the law in order to keep destiny. The second thought is people-centered thought. Though Hou Fu pointed out popular feelings is unpredictable, this viewpoint related to peoples nature and did no conflict with people-centered thought. The texts "Yi Shu Min Wei Zheng Zhi Gong", "Tian Jiang Xia Min, She Wan Bang, Zuo Zhi Jun, Zuo Zhi Shi" and "Wen Shi Xia Min Gong Di Zhi Zi, Xian Tian Zhi Chen Min" in bamboo slips all reflected attaching importance to people. The third thought is requiring the rulers set examples to people and moralize them. Hou fu thought the key point of governing the people is moral education of Si Min. Only when the rulers set themselves examples to others, fear the Lord, brighten morality, and offer sacrifices cautiously, can the people follow the behaviors of the rulers. The fourth thought is Prohibition. These thoughts were very similar to the West Zhou's thoughts in Kang Hao, Jun Shi from the Book of History and Da Ya from the Book of Songs, therefore, this bamboo slips should be categorized as the literature Zhou Shu of the Book of Documents.


清華大學出土文獻研究與保護中心編、李學勤主編,《厚父》,《清華大學藏戰國竹簡(伍)》,上海:中西書局,2015,頁 109-116。
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