  • 期刊


Law, Dignity, and Negative Liberty: A Reflection on Ronald Dworkin's Ethical Independence Argument




Ethical independence is the core value commonly expressed in Ronald Dworkin's two dignity principles of self-respect and authenticity. Its main implication requires that each person determine his own ethical convictions for himself and undertake the responsibility flowing from that self-determination. The self-determination that ethical independence performs, Dworkin emphasizes, must be constrained by the ethical and moral responsibilities of equal concern for all, i.e., the responsibilities of treating oneself and others as an equal. In this sense, Dworkin's integrated view of ethics and morality is coherent and consistent. Nevertheless, in the areas of political morality and legal coercion, he argues that government's constraints of negative liberty, in particular concerning the issue about the protection of free speech, are limited to the imminent harm to other's life, security, or liberty. As a result, Dworkin's arguments against the legal constraint of hate speech lead his theory of negative liberty to explicitly disregard that hate speech itself contradicts the principle of equal treatment, and finally cannot succeed in integrating ethics, morality, politics, and law.


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