  • 期刊


On the Concept of Conservation of Chinese Neo-Scholasticism from Vincent Shen's Philosophy of Contrast




Vincent Shen was committed to exploring the possibility of Chinese Neo-Scholasticism in the contrast of Chinese and Western philosophy. For laying the foundation for the creation of a new culture which could welcome the other, he overcomes the dominant paradigm of Western binary opposition with the philosophy of contrast, reflects on the closed and over-expanded subjectivity with the concept of many others, and reconstructs the subject with the virtue of generosity. This article attempts to address the issue of ecological conservation related to the natural other. In the face of the crisis of biodiversity loss, under the guidance of Catholic ecological thought, I hope to expound the conservation ethic of Chinese Neo-Scholasticism through the philosophy of contrast. This article is divided into three parts. Firstly, I will explain the basic concepts of biodiversity and conservation ethic. Secondly, I want to summarize the main conservation principles of the encyclical Laudato si'. Finally, through the triple contrast of "nature and culture," "community and individual," and "body and mind," I try to combine Catholic ecological thought and Vincent Shen's ethics of generosity to reflect on how generosity to the other can become a kind of conservation virtue, so that it can provide philosophical theoretical resources for conservation.


沈清松,〈身體、社會參與和靈修〉,《輔仁宗教研究》31(2015): 107-142。
聯合國,《生物多樣性公約》,聯合國網站,https://treaties.un.org/doc/Treaties/1992/06/19920605%2008-44%20PM/Ch_XXVII_08p.pdf(檢索於 2022 年 4 月 13 日)。
