  • 期刊


On a Pragmatic Approach to Animal Ethics




There is a major extension in animal ethics of contemporary applied ethics, and its development process faces major challenges in both theoretical basis and social practices. First, many philosophers in the past argued that reason was a necessary condition for becoming a moral object, so theoretically excluded the possibility of animals owning a moral status. However, the claim that animals have sentient abilities successfully crossed this barrier and opened the gate for animal ethics research. Second, although contemporary animal ethics is progressing rapidly, the radical arguments of abolitionism make people keeping it skeptically, and on the contrary hinder the promotion of animal ethics. Therefore, at the end of this article, a pragmatic animal ethics approach is introduced. On the one hand, it recognizes the moral status of animals, and on the other hand, it avoids setting up unattainable moral ideals. Broadly cultivate people's compassion for animals and expand the care about the suffering animals. Meanwhile, respect people's life choices, considering the acceptance and feasibility of animal protection in theories and practices, to avoid animal ethics research entering into a dead end that is either too strictly or unrealistic.


Animal Ethics Reason Sentience Abolitionist Compassion


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