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Developing a Reflective-Practice-Learning-Based Curriculum of Professional Ethics: An Exploration of the Learning Process of the Students in Executive Master Program of Healthcare Administration


本研究旨在探討反思性實務之教學模式使用於醫管碩專班的專業倫理課程,是否能促成學生關於倫理思辨的發展與改變。在研究方法上是透過行動研究與焦點團體之互相搭配,收集的資料類型包括反思作業、個案討論會錄音與期末課程回饋問卷。研究結果包括六大面向:從不違法到不違反倫理、從個人倫理到組織倫理、Inter Professional Education(IPE)與網絡互動知識建構、覺醒增能與自我導向學習、經驗整合與倫理反思、行動的反思。我們進一步歸納出三個主要的結論:第一,反思性實務之教學模式可以幫助學生「喚醒起初的愛」,願意成為一個倫理導向的管理者。第二,課程內容需要訓練學生具備組織倫理的觀點,能運用系統性決策的思維,深入分析倫理議題,而IPE的倫理決策訓練可以幫助學生瞭解跨專業溝通能力的重要性,並習得網絡互動的知識建構方法。第三,課程設計如能適當使用經驗學習法,可以幫助學生從經驗中反思及習得知識整合的方法,藉此提升其「反思實務能力」。總而言之,以反思性實務為基礎的倫理課程可以深化碩專班學生的倫理信念,也是一個能力發展活動的過程。另一方面,教師也在過程中透過反思、協調與修正,提升了專業知能與自我成長,並解決了倫理教學實務的問題。


This research aims to examine the extent to which a reflective-practice-learning-based curriculum has contributed to the development of ethical reasoning for the students in an Executive Master of Healthcare Administration (EMHA) Program. It adopts both action research and focus group interviews to foster an innovative strategy for teaching professional ethics. Reflective writing, case conference and course feedback questionnaire survey were used to evaluate the students' learning process. In terms of research results, we list six points for analysis: from no breaking the law to not violating the ethics; from personal ethics to organizational ethics; Interprofessional Education (IPE) and knowledge construction of network interaction; awareness-raising, empowering and self-directed learning; experiential integration and ethical reflection; reflection in action. Furthermore, we summarize three main findings. Firstly, a reflective-practice-learning-based curriculum may help students to "restore first love" and become ethic-based managers. Secondly, the course content needs to train students to have a view of organizational ethics and be able to conduct deep analysis of ethical issues by employing the method of systematic decision-making. Also, the method of IPE could help the students to understand the importance of inter-disciplinary communication and knowledge construction of network interaction. Thirdly, the curriculum, while experiential learning can be appropriately used, can help students enhance their capacity of reflective practice. In sum, this curriculum has helped the students to deepen their ethical beliefs, and it is just like a competence developing process. In the meantime, the teacher gains professional growth and becomes more knowledgeable to solve the problems that occur in teaching professional ethics by reflection, coordination and revision.


Krueger, R. A.、Casey, M. A.、洪志成譯、廖梅花譯(2003)。焦點團體訪談。嘉義市:濤石文化。
