  • 期刊


A Comparative Analysis of Chinese and American Planning Work


本文的目的在比較分析出美國合格規劃師學會與筆者分別對該國規劃工作性質所做的兩個調查的結果,分析其異同,並探討形成異同的原因。 中國規劃師在政府工作的(特別是中央政府)多於美國,反映我國中央集權制和首長集權制與美國地方分權制和分層負責制。我國都市規劃工作仍侷限於實體規劃,美國已擴大到社經、文化方面。美國都市規劃大致與地方政府政策配合,我國規劃則否。美國規劃師有較佳的,且更重視語文課溝通能力。對各種規劃技術的重要性與自己具有能力的評分,中國規劃師探中庸之道,一律中等;美國則差異很大。總之,中美規劃工作的基本性質是相同的,規劃技術也類似,但由於政經、社會、文化的差異,與規劃專業發展階段的不同,而產生許多顯著的規劃工作的差異。




The purpose of this article is to compare the results of two planning work questionnaire surveys administered to American and Chinese planners separately by the American Institute of Certified Planners and the author. The paper analyzes similarities and. differences between two planning groups and explores their reasons. Proportionally speaking, more Chinese planners work. For governments, particularly for the central government, than American planners. It reflects the concentration of political power at the central 1evel of the Chinese government and the relatively more power distributed at local level of the Ameri-can government. The Chinese urban planning is still limited to traditional physical planning, However, American planners have expanded their work to social, economic and cultural aspects. American planners have better, and also giving more emphasis to, verbal and written communication abilities The Republic of China planners have been deeply influenced by the Chinese traditional way of moderation. As a result of this, their attitudes and behavior seem to converge to the societal norm, and deviation from standard is limited. In other words, differences among Chinese planners are usually smaller than that among American Planners. In short, because of different political, social, economic, and cultural settings, and due to different stages of planning professional development, there are significant differences of planning work between the two nations planners. On the other hand, however, it also seems that planners use many similar planning methods and practice skills, regardless of where they come from


