  • 期刊


Promoting a Solid Educational Foundation and Reading Habit for Children in Taiwan: A Discussion on the Guo Zheng Chen Children's Literature Award



1993年「陳國政兒童文學獎」創立。這項由台灣英文雜誌社股份有限公司出資贊助,中華民國兒童文學學會主辦之文學獎一共舉辦了九屆,成爲當時兒童文學界的年度盛事。對兒童文學創作有興趣的作家莫不昂首期盼每年的徵獎活動,兒童們期待著爲他們所創作的優異作品,評審們也期待著寫作技巧與內容水準不斷提昇的作品出現。 本文將逐一收集與該文學獎相關之文獻資料,先從史料整理的工作著手,記錄這項文學獎之歷史與流變;再從相關資料中,歸納出「陳國政兒童文學獎」之辦理成果及對臺灣兒童文學的貢獻:鼓勵兒童文學創作風氣、培養兒童文學創作者。 此外,本文也同時介紹台灣英文雜誌社股份有限公司及其創辦人陳國政先生,並且整理出「陳國政兒童文學獎」相關文獻、該獎歷屆得獎名單、評審名單及該獎徵稿辦法沿革,以供後人研究參考用。


Established in 1993, the ”Guo Zheng Chen Children's Literature Award” is sponsored by the Formosan Magazine Press, Inc., hosted by the Taiwan Children's Literature Association for 9 terms, and has became one of the most significant annual events in the field of children's literature. All writers interested in creative children's literature eagerly looked forward to the event of the annual competition. Children also yearned to having excellent creative work available. Whereas judges expected the appearance of new work with improved writing skills, content and standards. In this paper, literature associated with this award are collected, starting with the organization of historical data and records on the history and transformation of this award. Then from the relevant data, the achievements and contributions of the ”Guo Zheng Chen Children's Literature Award” to Taiwan children's literature are derived, such as its influence on the trend of creative children's literature, and the support for training of more creative writers in children's literature. In addition, this paper also introduced the Formosan Magazine Press, Inc. and its founder, Mr. Guo Zheng Chen, and compiled the associated literature on ”Guo Zheng Chen Children's Literature Award”, the list of all award winners and judges, as well as the competition's contribution policies and related revisions, for future reference.
