  • 期刊


Politics of Documentary in Time: The Mediatized Story Consequences of Fly, Kite Fly




In this age of continuously transforming communications, the media are increasingly intertwined into the texture of people's daily life, thus changing the constructive process of practices both in communication and other social domains. The accelerating speed generated by media technology often denotes the time metaphor where the post-modern age is located. This study thus aims to extend a reflexive discourse with the concept of communicative figurations in the constructive approach of mediaization theories. From the alternative perspective of temporality, it explores how the documentary Fly, Kite Fly, the first ecological theatrical film released in Taiwan, generated multiple 'timescape' articulated technology, genre, and text in the zone of intermediacy. Not confined to a binary divide between the text and audience in the cross-media narrative process, key social actors are interviewed and invited to look back so as to interpret the mediatized story consequences that still substantially affect environmental conservation and eco-friendly agriculture. This research adopts a cross-media perspective of "transforming communication" to trace the three characteristics of communicative figurations, including frames of relevance, constellations of actors, and communicative practices. On the one hand, it analyzes how media and communication embed both new and old media forms (written articles, documentaries, face-to-face interactive communication, online communities, etc.) in their narrative practices; on the other hand, it explores how society and culture change along with them. The purpose is to 1) understand and interpret the complex dialectical relationship between social construction and media communication that is increasingly more intertwined; and 2) to see how to achieve a strategic reversal in the action of "thick time" dialogue through reflexivity in the deep mediatization era, which is a constantly accelerating trend of the "thin time" connectivity.


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