  • 期刊


Building a Framework for Journalists' Communication Tools and Their Interacting Relationships: An Investigation Via Social Capital Exchange and Remediation




In the current digital convergence era, this research focuses on how journalists interact with people through communication tools. From the logic of remediation, the study establishes two kinds of communication tools: one is a reporting tool to solve news storytelling under the logic of transparency; and the other is for recognizing the logic of hypermedia, which are social tools that bring together a variety of connections. Under these two modes of communication tools, looking further at social capital exchange, journalists employ reporting tools to exchange information into situated viewing relationships, in order to complete the relevant tasks in the news production process, which is often based on the principle of seeking truth from facts. Journalists also utilize social tools to develop networking relationships for human communication, in order to extend the possibility of a relationship between the links, so that private friendship can reserve more space for interpersonal interaction. This research thus establishes a theoretical framework in which journalists use communication tools to interact with people and transforms the knowledge of tacit understanding into a process of concretization.


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