  • 期刊


Using Data Science Approach to Explore Online Public Opinion: Strategic and War Risk Perceptions on the Internet




The U.S. cross-Strait strategy is a focal indicator for influencing the status of Taiwan-China relationships. With U.S. armed force activities around Taiwan increasing, this research examines the influence of American Asia- Pacific strategies toward Taiwan on Taiwanese war risk perceptions and responses from the media. Believing that online responses by Taiwanese represent part of public opinion, we take an online public opinion mining approach to explore the topic modeling of online discussions over this issue. When discussing U.S. armed force activities around the Taiwan Strait, the findings show five major topics that Taiwan's netizens focus on:(1) Taiwan- Sino-U.S. game;(2) activities for seeking independence;(3) strategic evaluation;(4) risk of war, and (5) policy on freedom of navigation. This article contributes to artificial intelligence, machine learning, and corpus approaches to present national strategic studies that previously mostly used constructed approaches. Regarding the theoretical applications, we provide a new research approach for risk communication on strategies studies, extending its theoretical scope to national strategic studies. Moreover, we demonstrate that online public opinion toward risk perceptions and military activities of the government can address the vital issue of public support toward national defense strategies. We also found that U.S. military activities influence Taiwanese people's perception of war risk and negative emotions expressed online. This means that their online emotions significantly influence their propensity to support public policies. They also tend to confirm their negative feelings toward the PLA's military activities.


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