  • 期刊


Taiwan Prefecture's Developers and the Mountain Range Development in Fengshan County during the Qing Dynasty: A Case Study of the Funeral Stele of Madam Cheng, 1732 C.E.


本文擬透過一塊位在今高雄市鳥松區新發現的「雍正十年陳孺人墓」(1732)古墓碑所透露之訊息,配合周邊空間與相關史料,探究墓主家族透過墾拓獲利致富的過程,以及其所反映出的社會情況。首先,整理古墓碑所顯示的訊息,配合雍正晚期擔任臺灣道的張嗣昌於其著作《巡臺錄》中收錄的一樁與墓主家族相關的爭產訴訟案,尋找出墓主身世及其家族成員之背景。其次,透過上述文獻及碑刻資料之整理,發現立碑者為墓主之養子王昇,其因家族立嗣及爭產糾紛,年少時即被逐出家門,30多年後躍升為府城監生,名下擁有不少產業。配合爭產訴訟案之記載,同時利用地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System, GIS)及相關文獻的輔助,發現王昇所擁有的土地座落在雍正年間鳳山縣阿猴林及糞箕湖等沿山地帶的伐木活動空間,故推測其致富原因應與軍工匠集團的墾拓活動有闕,也因此才能於雍正年間累積至少千兩以上之財富,並厚葬養母,刻立規模不小之墓碑。


This paper studies a valuable inscriptional record on a funeral stele recently found in Kaohsiung City's Niaosong District, which was dedicated to Madam Cheng, a female member of a merchant family that thrived during the Yongzheng period. The funerary inscription on the stele contains valuable information that can be studied alongside local historical contexts and literary accounts, particularly the Xuntailu, a memoir writen by the Zhang Si-chang in the late years of emperor Yongzheng's reign. This memoir recorded a trial case regarding a property dispute within the family of the deceased. The inscription and the matching historical record can be used to reconstruct how the family rose to prominence, with its significant personages, and most importantly, the biographical information of the deceased. The inscription also mentioned an individual named Wang Sheng, the adopted son of the deceased. Wang Sheng was very young when he was driven out of the family, due to feuds over inheritance claims and other disputes regarding property. He was able to gain gentry status through the imperial examination system and became a person with landed estates. By using literary data elicited from the trial records, as well as the GIS and other relevant sources, this study shows that Wang Sheng held a substantial region in today's Fengshan County, specifically in the mountain range of Ahoulin and Benjihou, where the logging industry was primarily located in the eighteenth century. This paper argues that the cause of Wang Sheng's prosperity may have been linked to development ventures by naval shipyard workers, to the effect that he was able to accumulate more than a thousand taels during the Yongzheng period, and lavishly erected his adoptive mother's grave.


