  • 期刊


Cartoon Warfare (manhua zhan) between the Nanking Nationalist Government and the Reorganization Clique, 1928-1931




Since the holding of the First National Congress of the KMT in January, 1924, Sun yat-sen had stressed the importance of party unity and the development of a strong organization for national unification and reconstruction. The KMT-CCP marriage was one of convenience, as the one was in need of but also distrusting the other. The KMT desired the Soviet aids to revitalize the party, to develop a party army, and to carry out the National Revolution, while the CCP needed the KMT to foster his cells. It was only after the Nationalists had successfully imposed these restrictions on the Communists that Chiang kai-shek could have set out on his Northern Expedition in July 1926. With the support of the Shanghai financial circles, Chiang became more determined to persecute the Communists, and a purge committee was organized in April, 1927. Even after the purge of the Communists inside the Party, there remained, however, a broad stratum of KMT members who advocated more radical solutions to the nation's problems. Still, it was clear that many of the low-ranking and young members of the party were sympathetic with the views of the Party's left-wingers. Wang Jing-wei was their recognized leader, but he was then sojourning abroad. At home the moving spirit behind the left-wing organization was Wang's loyal associate, Chen Kung-po, who in May 1928 began publishing the anti-Nanking weekly (Revolutionary critic) as a mouthpiece for the left wingers. Faced with the uncertain prospects of the Nanjing Government, Chen Kungpo decided to organized the Chinese KMT Reorganization Comrades Association, or the Reorganization Clique, as it was called. Their opposition to Chiang and the authorities in Nanking was not limited only to ideological theorizing, but also extended to newspapers, magazines, and popular propaganda. Many scholars have contributed to the study of the left wing of the KMT, the Reorganization Clique. In fact, the Propaganda Department of the Nanging Government still adapted political cartoons of "Chungyang Huakan" (The Central Pictorial) in its attacks on the Reorganization clique. The cartoonist raised the banner of what was called the "cartoon warfare" The continuity between the First United Front of the KMT and the CCP and the early years of the Nanking Government was obvious and should not be ignored.


