  • 期刊


Media, Advertising and Corporate Culture: An Analysis of Xindu Zhoukan


本文以上海新都飯店為例,探討其廣告策略,除了視之為企業經營的一部分,也試圖析論其社會文化的意義。創於1939年的新都飯店為上海新新百貨公司的附屬企業之一,不但在企業規模上居同行之翹楚,也非常注意廣告的運用,其中最突出的是在1 943年自辦《新都周刊》,可謂上海餐館業中之創舉。該刊雖帶有濃厚的廣告性質,但主編卻更進一步希望藉由出版刊物來創造新的「企業文化」以扭轉社會大眾對餐館業的刻板印象。換言之,廣告的目的不單是「召喚」消費者,也透過知識傳播來「培養」消費者。本文正是以廣告為具體的研究對象,探討商業與文化的接合,特別注意像餐館這種古老的行業進入近代之後,如何運用新媒體進行商業宣傳?而廣告的使用又如何使餐館業在新的企業環境中重新自我定位、創造出適應於近代的企業文化與形象?


飯店 百貨公司 廣告 企業文化 消費文化


This article discusses the advertising strategy of the Sun Sun Sky Terrace Restaurant, considering it not only as an aspect of business management but also as an example of cultural and social change in Shanghai. A subsidiary of Sun Sun Department Store, the Sun Sun Sky Terrace Restaurant was founded in 1939 and soon surpassed its competitors in both business scale and marketing techniques. Among its many innovations the publication of Xindu Zhoukan in 1943 highlighted the restaurant as a modem enterprise. The magazine was more than an advertisement; it was an effort to break the stereotype of the restaurant industry. The purpose of advertising here was not simply to attract customers, but to cultivate their taste through spreading knowledge. By studying Xindu Zhoukan, this article explores the modem transformation of a time-honored industry. Facing new commercial environment, the Shanghai restaurant's attempt at reshaping its public image reflected the emergence of a new consumer culture in early 20^(th) Century China.


