  • 期刊


Evolution of the Plan to Occupy Taiwan by the US Military during World War II, 1941-1945


近代以來,從「美國國益(National Interest)」思維「臺灣問題」的美國人,並不脫「臺灣戰略位置重要,不能落入敵對勢力」此一原則。特別是在第二次世界大戰期間,「臺灣」為敵對的一方,並曾實際對美軍作戰。此一教訓,形塑了研究美軍對臺戰略思維的基本。不只如此,日治下臺灣近代化經濟的發展,更強化了戰略的重要性。二次大戰期間,美軍研究占領臺灣,可以分成幾個階段,各階段重點可說均以「占領」為出發點。最初階段著重於美國占領、中國參與的「國際共管」,保留著威爾遜總統以來「民族自決」理想。但當為了強化中國盟友的作戰決心與提升其地位,而在開羅會議決定臺灣最後歸還中國。「開羅宣言」是美國外交上的「約定」,影響了之後美國臺灣政策之走向。這之後的「占領研究」,從原本的「目的」轉變成「過渡手段」之研究,其焦點從不在於「臺灣歸屬」問題,而是戰後應「如何」及「何時」實現外交上的「約定」。在戰爭結束前,美國本已決定在日本投降後占領臺灣,卻因個人反對而放棄原占領計畫,改由「中國為主、美國為輔」之中美共同占領。本文目的即在於探討各階段研究之問題重點與相互關係,以及美軍占領政策轉變之原因與影響。


Americans have long noticed the strategic importance of Taiwan to the United States in modern times. From the perspective of American national interest, they believed that the United States had better control Taiwan or at least not allowing it to fall into the hands of hostile countries. During the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, Taiwan was a military base that Japan used in launching assaults on the US forces in Manila. This lesson stimulated the US military to begin to study Taiwan and recognize its critical strategic position. Throughout the war, the US study focused on how to attack and occupy the island. The study went through several stages and produced several different proposals regarding the postwar treatment of Taiwan. In the first stage, the study suggested that Taiwan should be placed under United Nations control with full autonomy. However, to enhance the status and determination of China in fighting against Japan, in late 1943 the US convened the Cairo Conference and suggested that Taiwan should be returned to China. This new position signaled a change in the occupation policy of Taiwan. The change was not on the initial occupation but on "how" and "when" Taiwan should be returned to China after the war. In late 1944, the US military gave up a plan on the invasion of Taiwan but investigations on the necessity of occupying Taiwan continued. The conclusion was that for the political and economic stability of East Asia, it was necessary for the United States to control Taiwan after the Japanese surrender. At the end of July 1945, the SWNCC (State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee) decided to capture Taiwan directly by the US military. A few days later, however, because one general opposed this operation very strongly, the SWNCC abandoned the occupation decision and changed it to "help China occupy Taiwan." The purpose of this article is to explore the content of the US military's occupation policy toward Taiwan in different stages, the reasons behind the various changes of that policy, and the consequences of those changes.


佐佐木隆爾等編,《ドキュメント 真珠湾の日》。東京:大月書店,1991年。
