  • 期刊

The Issue of the Past in Zen and Modernity






現代性 主體 歷史 過去 佛性 理性 康德 傅科


Zen Buddhism and modernity share an intense hostility toward the past. In Zen the meddling factor of the past takes the form of obsession. Hence, the primary task of Zen practitioners is to get rid of obsessions because they may allegedly cast a shadow over buddhahood inherent in all living beings, thereby precluding its essence from shining forth. Modernity also exhibits a strong impatience with the hold of the past because history or tradition represents dogmatic assumptions or biases which may hamper the use of reason. In both cases, the battle against the past signals the end of universal and objective truth, which is symbolized by the death of God, and the glorification of man and human potentials, which is closely linked to the enthronement of buddhahood or reason.This paper compares Zen and modernity to show how their hostility to the past reveals a fundamental assumption that behind the discontinuous and chaotic surface exists a rational, efficacious, and unified subject. In that presumed everlasting essence of human nature finds the anchor of reason or budddhahood. But with the so-called death of man, the powerful subject is replaced by a decentered subject. The efficacy of reason is very much in doubt. Accompanied by this change is the issue of the past. Since the subject is no longer conceived as a being entire of itself, the past should not be dismissed as something that blinds humankind, but rather as something that constitutes it. I use modernity and its aversion to the past as a starting point to illustrate the evasive concept of buddhahood and its efforts to clear up obsession.


Zen Modernity Obsession Subject History Past Kant Foucault Buddhahood Reason
