  • 期刊


Trends of Cumulative Mortality Rate and Years of Potential Life Lost on Accidents in Hua - Lien (1971-1991)


花蓮地區居民之主要死,自68年以來幾乎年年以意外災害死亡居首位,其中近十年來因運輸事故死亡者平均佔所有意外災害亡的百分之44,且有逐漸增加之趨勢。本研究的目的在由不同的角度來使大家更俱體了解花蓮地區居民因意外災害死亡所造成之衝擊及損失,本文針對歷年來(1971-1991)花蓮地區居民因意外災害死亡之資料(指1971年-1980年按國際150項中間死因分類AE138~AE150及1981-1991年按國際基本死因分類E47-E53)進行年代別、性別、年齡別死亡率、標準化死亡率及累績死亡率之分析,同時計算其在生命損失及潛在工作年數損失之人年數,及社會經濟損失值。 由研究結果顯示,花蓮地區近十年來平均每年有552人(男性422人、女性130人)死於意外災害;由終生累積死亡率及長期趨勢來看,花蓮地區居民終其一生若未死於其他疾病,則其死於意外災害的機率為15~25%(男性為20~30%女性為8~18%)約為台灣地區居民之2-3位,且有逐年增加之趨勢,若單純的死亡率來看,大部份死因為死亡率皆是以老年人偏高,若以潛在生命損失值和潛在工作數損失人年數來看,則近十年來在潛在生命損失值平均每年損朱20037人年,潛在工作年數損失值為12798人年,且以20~29歲為最高,其次為0~4歲。若以各行業受雇員工每人每月平均新資所得,來估計其當年貨幣價值的社會生產力損失時,其損失金額逐年提高,以1991年為例,年損失金額已達新台幣40.2億元。若是再加上意外災害發生之時、之後所花費的急救醫療等費用,則損失當不止此金額。(慈濟醫學 1994; 6: 271-279)


Since 1979 the accident and it’s adverse effect has been the first of Ten Lead Causes of Death in Hualien. The objectives of this paper are to measure the years of potential life lost. (YPLL) and the work years of potential life lost (WYPLL) to estimate the social and economic impacts from the death of accident in Hualien from 1971 to 1991. The results show that there are 552 person (male 42 and female 130) death by accident every year. The cumulative mortality rate has consistently increased during the last 10 years. And we can find that the death rate of the people who live in Hualien is 2 to 3 times greater than the people who live in other areas of Taiwan. From this cause of death we can find that the victims of this accident are usually young and productive and the mean of YPLL, WYPLL are 20037 and 12798 person year and the age between 20 to 29 is the highest lost group. Besides we have estimated the loss if income from this cause of death is NT$ 40.2 billions in 1991. If we consider the cost of medical and other influence of the family and society, the impact from this accident will become even greater. (Tzu-Chi Med J 1994; 6: 271-279)
