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The Premature Years of Potential Life Lost and Sex Differences on Main Causes of Death in Taiwan (1991)


本文針對台灣居民生命統計資料中的各年齡男女常見死因,分析男女各死因別死亡率、平均餘命(life expectancy)及各死因早死潛在生命年數損失率(premature years of potential life lost before ages 65,簡稱PYPLL)。結果顯示不同性別和年齡別人口存有許多死亡型態的差異;以年齡來看,意外災害是年輕人最主要的死因。隨著年齡層增高,第一死因逐漸被惡性腫瘤、腦血管疾病、心臟病及高血壓等慢性病所取代。在性別方面,各死因死亡率大多呈現男高於女情形,其中唯有糖尿病死亡率呈現女高於男,並以60-84歲的老年女性為糖尿病致死的高危險群。各死因早死潛在生命損失率的比較中,顯示台灣地區(1991年)平均每千名0-64歲男性因意外災害喪生而減少的存活時間為31.9年,其他早死潛在生命年數損失率較高的死因依次分別是惡性贅瘤19.4年/每千人,腦血管疾病8.2年/每千人,心臟血管疾病7.5年/每千人和肝硬化5.6年/每千人。女性方面以惡性贅瘤的早死潛在生命年數損失率最高,其次為意外傷害、腦血管疾病和心臟病高血壓。無論男性或女性意外災害的早死潛在生命年數損失均以汽機車傷害致死率最高,惡性贅瘤則以肺癌的早死潛在生命年數損失率最高。由國人意外災害的高早死潛在生命年數損失率現象,所帶給社會人力資源及家庭經濟衝擊非常巨大,因此政府為保障國人生命品質、除了應再繼續加強各種急慢性疾病的醫療保健之外,有關意外災害的防治工作更應予以重視。


Premature years of potential life lost before age 65 (PYPLL < 65) is an index that weights more on the premature death. To calculate years of potential life lost, the 65-year cut-off was used rather than a higher limit because it emphasizes premature and preventable deaths. Using 1991 national vital statistics, this study was to determine mortality rate, life expectancy, and PYPLL < 65 for leading causes of death in Taiwan. Significant differences on PYPLL < 65 were found between sex and age groups. Male mortality rates were higher than females for all leading causes of death except for diabetes. For males, the highest PYPLL < 65 rate per 1,000 population <65 years was of accidents (31.9), followed by malignant neoplasms (19.4), CVA (8.2), heart disease (7.5), and cirrhosis (5.6). For females, the PYPLL <65 rates from high to low were of malignant neoplasms, accidents, CVA, and heart disease in order. It is suggested that accidental injury prevention ought to be put on first priority among all health management programs of the moment in Taiwan. More resource and attention are needed for research and prevention programs on accidental injuries.


Mortality PYPLL sex differentials
