  • 學位論文


Imbalanced sex ratio at birth and son preference in Taiwan

指導教授 : 朱珊瑩


性別失衡會引發嚴重的社會問題,諸如婚姻市場供需失衡、社會治安不穩定、男女不平等以及外來人口衝擊既有社會等;台灣男多於女,2010年的出生性別比已達109,居全球第10高。據此,本文檢視台灣性別失衡的原因以解決此問題,並且聚焦在亞洲常見的重男輕女與性別失衡的關係。 社會學已對此議題建立完整理論;然而,文獻卻缺乏嚴謹的實證研究。既存實證文章多採用數據統計、圖表分析或歷史比較研究等方法。不同於此,本文考慮理論所隱含重男輕女為內生性變數的可能性,並使用考量內生性變數的 Probit 廻歸實證模型。再者,文獻普遍以總體角度評析,本文則從個體面探討重男輕女等因素對性別失衡的影響,此角度能直接對個體行為提供政策建議。本文使用衛生署國民健康局婦女、家庭與生育保健調查系列 (KAP) 1992、1998和2004等年度資料,並使用子女性別偏好指數量化重男輕女程度。根據1998年及三年度合併資料之實證結果顯示婦女對男孩偏好程度增加時越傾向生男孩。


Some kinds of social problems from imbalanced sex ratio at birth including:marriage market will be highly imbalanced in the future, it harms for social public security, it could marginalize status of women in society and increase immigrant brides; There are more boys than girls in Taiwan. In 2009, the sex ratio at birth is higher to be 109 and it is the tenth high in the world. According to it, this paper studies the cause of unbalancing sex ratio at birth and then resolves it in Taiwan. We focus on connections between son preference and imbalanced sex ratio at birth in Taiwan. Previous studies discussed this topic are through the method of Socio-demographic in survey, analysis of historical comparison, statistical data, and analysis of chart. However, which have been somewhat deficient in empirical evidence with formal econometric models. The difference in this paper is we treat son preference as endogenous possibly by survey and use formal econometric model of Probit regression with endogenous covariates. Furthermore, some related studies analyze it in macroeconomics but we try to use individual data to study the effects on imbalanced sex ratio at birth by some results like son preference. Individual data can direct provide some policies for individual characteristics. This data are used from a national survey on knowledge of, attitudes toward, and practice of family planning and reproductive health among married women in Taiwan, selected the married women who have at least one child to be the data for analysis in 1992, 1998, and 2004. And this paper uses the index of sex preference of child to measure the degree of son preference. According to results in 1998 and combined data with 1992, 1998, and 2004, the higher the index of sex preference of child, the higher the son preference by women.


王彩婺 (2002),《男嬰偏好對台灣地區已婚有偶婦女生育動機與生育行為的影
羅勝全 (2008),《中國大陸人口性別比之研究》,國立政治大學中山人文社會
“How can economic schemes curtail the increasing sex ratio at birth in China?”


