  • 期刊

Primary Superior Sagittal Sinus Thrombosis in A Young Adult



上矢狀竇栓塞臨床上證實的不多見。導因有局部的病變或全身性疾病,造成的後果和症狀會因為栓塞程度的不同而有很大有差異。有時因症狀易與其他疾病類似,病灶又不易發現,會錯誤診斷成偽腦瘤。我們的病人只呈現眼科症狀,眼底看到視乳突水腫,電腦斷層掃描又無結果,最後靠腦血管攝影才證實。只有在強烈懷疑和心裏記得此一疾病,才可能不致誤診。(慈濟醫學1996; 8: 257-261)


Primary superior sagittal sinus (SSS) thrombosis is an uncommon clinical entity that can be caused by a variety of local and systemic factors. The resulting morbidity and mortality vary widely depending on the extent of occlusion. Its symptoms and signs are so nonspecific that it is difficult to diagnose clinically. Sometimes it is mistaken for pseudotumor cerebri. The case in this study was inflicted with only visual symptoms. An initial computed tomographic scan only revealed brain edema. Definite diagnosis requires cerebral angiography, It is difficult to make a correct diagnosis unless we have this disease entity in mind. This case has been treated with long-term maintenance of anticoagulant for 3 years without any recurrences and adverse side effects. (Tzu Chi Med J 1996; 8: 257-261)
