  • 期刊


Rigid Laryngoscope - Guided Incision and Drainage of a Parapharyngeal Abscess: Report of 2 Cases


咽喉感染引起咽旁膿瘍(parapharyngeal abscess)的病例,若未儘早發現及處置,併發症及死亡率很高。以往處理方法主要是投予抗生素、合併細針抽吸或外科手術切開引流,但對口咽較低部位的膿瘍,常無法充份清創及引流,本文報告兩例咽旁膿病例,因膿瘍位皆為口嗯較低部位,故嘗試在硬式喉直達鏡導引下予以切開引流膿瘍,術後並輔予抗生素治療,結果,病人症狀迅速緩解,傷口復原良好。所以,咽旁膿瘍倘若靠近口咽較低位置,可能可以嘗試這種手術方法,我們的經驗是,這種手術方法簡單、容易操作、傷口小、恢復快、沒有頸部傷口、沒有併發症,且縮短住院天數,可能是治療口咽較低部位的咽旁膿瘍之另一種方法。


Parapharyngeal abscesses, associated with oropharyngeal infection, have high complication and mortality rates if not recognized and managed early. They are generally managed by 1 of 2 approaches: medical and surgical treatment. Medical treatment comprises antibiotic administration and/or fine-needle aspiration. Surgical treatment comprises incision and drainage (I&D). An abscess in the lower portion of the oropharynx can be complicated by incomplete debridement, drainage, and ventilation, and thus there is a lower success rate. For this reason, 2 cases of acute tonsillitis complicated by parapharyngeal abscess formation underwent rigid laryngoscope-guided I&D followed by adjuvant antibiotic administration. Symptoms were relieved, and recovery was rapid. Accoreing to our experience, I&D guided by a rigid laryngoscope seems to be effective for parapharyngeal abscesses in the lowest portion of the oropharynx: this procedure has the advantages of simplicity, easy manipulation, production of only a small wound, shorter recovery, shorter hospitalization, and no external neck wound.
