  • 期刊

Prognostic Factors Predicting Mortality in Lung Abscess, 154 Cases Analysis





肺膿瘍 死亡率 預後


Objective: Lung abscess remains a very common disease clinically and its mortality is still significant despite of the development of newer antibiotics. Therefore, pertinent individual conditions, including age, gender, host defense, causative pathogens and treatment choices were analyzed for the purpose of identifying the possible factors predicting a poor outcome and then a better understanding might be achieved when dealing with this kind of disease. Materials and Methods: Between 1989 and early 2003, 154 patients (123 male vs 31 female) of lung abscess hospitalized at the Hualien branch of Tzu Chi hospital, were enrolled. Two groups were divided according to their underlying medical condition and 62 cases with simple co-existing diseases were labled as group 1; 92 cases with complicated co-existing diseases were labled as group 2. The medical records and roentgenographic files were reviewed retrospectively, and a statistical analysis was attempted. Results: In this study, age and host defense were unchangeable variants associated with a higher mortality rate; whereas an aggressive treatment modality choice, as direct aspiration from lung abscess or even tube drainage might decrease the mortality rate. It is noteworthy that fewer anaerobic organisms were isolated in the patients with sophisticated co-existing illness than those with simple co-existing medical conditions in this study. However, this study is a retrospective one, and it might exist many intrinsic limitation. Conclusion: Medical treatment with antibiotics alone, even with the advance of antibiotics during these recent years, might still be inadequate as the treatment of lung abscess. By a better understanding of the related background of this illness, a lower mortality rate might be expected for the foreseeable future.
