  • 期刊


Current Condition of Braille System in Accessible Elevator within Hospital Buildings-By Case of Seven Northern Counties in Taiwan




Due to the national disability right law and building code, public buildings are requires with all accessibility features. As a hospital, the barrier free elevator is the most crucial of all. In the early stage of the Braille System, the gravity of such system was not taken seriously. Often mistakes were found in the definition of the worlds, misplacement of the Braille System or error with installation. Therefore the people who rely on the Braille System are often misguided and cause confusion. This article is focusing on the seven northern counties in Taiwan, using 92 individual hospitals as reference, to analyze, compare, and provide solution for the errors in the Braille System. The purpose of this article is, 1 To understand the current situation of the Braille System in each elevator. 2 To compare the elevators in the seven northern counties.3 To establish a database and basic design for all the elevators in the seven northern counties. 4 To provide the principal method for Braille System design, installation, and usage. After analyzing the seven northern counties' hospitals, it shows: 1 Using "Up Key" as example, 76% uses zhuyin as the language system (following regulation), 3% uses English, and 21% is lacking the Braille System. 2 Due to the similarity in pronunciation of "four" and "death", 73% of the buildings do not have a fourth floor (with absence of the button and the Braille System). To prevent any error occurring: 1.object oriented design 2. Mandarin character imprint.


內政部營建署(1996)。公共建築物行動不便者使用設施與設備設計施工手冊。台北市=Taipei:內政部=Ministry of the Interior。
內政部營建署(2013)。建築物無障礙設施設計規範。台北市:內政部。Interior Administration Department (2013). Code for Design of Barrier - Free Facilities for Buildings. Taipei: Ministry of the Interior
