  • 期刊


The Effect of the Global Budget on the Western Medicine Clinics Price and Utilization - Case of Western Medicine Clinics in the Northern Taiwan




Objective: The aim of this research is to explore the initial impacts of the Global Budget Scheme on the medical claims among primary Western physician clinics. Methods: Outpatient Medical Expenditure Data file is employed to compare the changes in medical claims among primary Western physician clinics in the same half year before (i.e., 2000/07) and after (i.e., 2001/ 07) the Global Budget Scheme was inaugurated. Results: I. Six months after launching the Global Budget Scheme, the number of cases claimed from primary Western physician clinics dropped sharply with a significant increase in unit price. 2. The number of medical claims categorized in encouraged groups such as preventive health services and chronic diseases increased dramatically, while that in the other categories with expenditure cap appeared to decrease. 3. Our regression model showed that the type of cities, type of townships, and the type of clinics ownerships are significant factors influencing the results of decreasing medical claims and an increasing unit price index. Conclusions: The behaviors of clinical physicians reflecting on the changes of Medical Claims were indeed influenced by the implementation of the Global Budget Scheme. Since our findings were confined to the initial impacts of the Global Budget Scheme, it is suggested that the authority continues to monitor the trend to analyze the extent to which patient's accessibility and medical quality would be influenced in the long run. In addition, before implementing the Global Budget Scheme on hospitals, the authority should establish an automatic unit-price response mechanism. For the health industry, it is suggested that the health administration should re-think the appropriate cooperative model between hospitals and primary clinics.


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張曉鳳(2009)。多比較好?基層醫師供給對可避免住院的影響 -台灣的實證研究〔碩士論文,中臺科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6822/CTUST.2009.00011
