  • 期刊


The Research of People Evacuation Safety for Large-scale Exhibition Centers during Their Exhibition Periods


由於大型展覽館常舉辦許多不同類型之展覽如車輛、美食、旅遊、書籍及專業器材…等,其火載量十分可觀,且展覽時往往聚集大量人潮及所需之展示及販售品等,倘若發生火災易導致災害擴大,因此消防安全成了重要考量因素,加上因空間寬敞,需突破傳統區劃,導致濃煙竄流影響人員避難安全。為了讓館內人員成功地進行避難疏散,必須透過展覽館空間設計及執行有效的避難疏散計畫,讓避難者能立即疏散至安全處所並縮短避難時間。本文將針對展覽館展覽期間人群避難及緊急疏散路徑進行研究。首先,以國內主要營運之大型展覽館為研究對象,透過文獻探討、實地探勘、比較分析等,建立可能影響避難時間之不同情境,再藉由 SIMULEX避難軟體,設定相關因子與參數進行模擬並比較所得之避難時間,試圖由軟體之驗證尋找提升人群避難疏散效率之方式。依本研究發現,展覽館之場地型態、出入口寬度與分佈、展攤擺放設置規劃、走道設計(一字、十字、口字型)與寬度、容留人數等因素皆會影響人群避難時間。因此,建議展覽館管理單位除了強化自衛消防編組與落實安全管理外,亦可參考本研究評估結果,選擇最有利提昇避難效率之環境條件與方式,以強化展覽活動期間展覽館場地佈置與展攤設計規劃之管理,另可提供展覽策劃單位進行規劃作業時之參考。


Large exhibitions hosting many different types of shows for vehicles, food, travel, books and specialized equipment ... etc. often gather a large crowd through displaying and selling various goods. In consideration of its substantial fire load and spaciousness which might easily lead to disaster in the case of fire development along with the impact of smoke cross-flow which inevitably hinders personnel safety in evacuation, fire safety has become a critical issue in such venues, which requires a breakthrough to traditional fire compartment. To make people in the exhibition center evacuate successfully, how to design the space and implement the effective evacuation plan so that people can evacuate to the safe place immediately and reduce the evacuation time are required. This study focuses on people evacuation and emergency evacuation routes in the large-scale exhibition centers during the exhibition periods. First, the study will take some major operational large-scale exhibition centers in domestic as research objects and use SIMULEX Evacuation Software, set related factors and parameters to carry out simulation and verification, comparing the evacuation time for different scenarios which developed based on literatures, field observations, comparative studies and information, in-depth interviews. Our research has discovered that the exhibition hall styles, the width and locations of entrances and exits, the planning of exhibition booth set up, the design of aisles (single-shaped, cross-shaped and square-shaped aisles) and widths and numbers of people it accommodates are all factors that will affect evacuation in case of emergency. Thus, it is recommended that from the management unit of the exhibition halls should reinforce self-protect fire-protection as well as implement safety management, could use this research as a reference.


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