  • 期刊


Contextualizing the Socioeconomic-Spatial Transformations of Tainan City’s Metropolitan Region and Neighborhood-community-The Spatial Distribution of Textile and Garment Industry Case (1945-2003)




This paper proposes a macro spatial structure of Tainan City (1945-2003) and reveals its content via the textile and garment industry distribution. To sum up, there is a two-layer transformation; on the one hand, an industry chain of vertical separation was formed within the scope of the Tainan metropolitan region. On the other hand, in some neighbourhoods planned in readjusted urban areas, some horizontal collaborative networks were set up to meet the industry chain's demand. When research methods are concerned, this paper applies geographic information systems for material coding, integrating, and visualizing. That work leads to a more solid and profound understanding of the historical facts after World War II. Further, the concept of 'everydayness' illuminates a dynamic form of subsistence production about how commoners seize the opportunities of everyday life. Finally, the endeavour of the ordinaries is the agency the individual shows when facing structural transformations.


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