

To search for suitable sperm antigens as immunocontraceptive vaccines, three Sperm Antigen Workshops were held by Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation from World Health Organization (WHO) in 1986, 1989 and 1992, respectively. Judging from the criteria of high sperm specificity and significant inhibition to fertilization, several of our monoclonal antibodies were selected as “prime” candidates for further development as immunocontraceptive vaccines. Among these antibodies, S36 (HS-11) and S37 (HS-63) react with the same intra-acrosomal antigen of 28-32 kDa from mouse and human sperm. S71 (HAS-5) and S72 (HAS-6) recognize an identical inner-acrosomal antigen with a molecular mass of 20-100 kDa in human or mouse sperm. S75 (HAS-10). On the other hand, react with a 75 kDa glycoprotein designated as STX-10 which is localized on the surface of human sperm inner-acrosome, oocytes, embryos and trophoblast cells. In the case of mouse sperm antigen recognized by S36 and S37, isolated cDNA full length clones with inserts containing open reading frame were fully characterized. MSA-63 was shown to be a homolog of known SP-10 antigen from human sperm. By using the same strategies in molecular biology, cDNA clones expressing fusion proteins recognized by S71 (or S72) and S75 have also been isolated, respectively from mouse testis and human placenta cDNA libraries. Following extensive molecular analyses of partial nucleotide/amino acid sequences of these cDNA inserts, it was concluded that these newly identifies sperm antigens showed little homology to any other known human or mouse proteins. Their potential application as immunocontraceptive vaccines is being evaluated.


