  • 期刊

Deciphering the Molecular Phylogenetics of Family Hyblaeidae and Inferring the Phylogeographical Relationships Using DNA Barcoding


Hyblaea puera (teak defoliator) is a pest moth of teak woodlands in India and other tropics. H. puera is a type genus that represents the family Hyblaeidae and superfamily Hyblaeoidea. The relationships between the superfamily Hyblaeoidea other smaller superfamilies like Pyraloidea, Bombycoidea, Geometroidea, Noctuoidea, Torticoidea, Papilionoidea and others are not well understood. This study provides substantial molecular evidence in supporting the morphological classification of Hyblaeidae family and its relationship with other superfamilies. As a molecular tool DNA barcoding has gained importance in species identification and taxonomic verification. Present case study on Hyblaea demonstrates the efficiency of the barcoding gene (folmer region) in discriminating global phylogeographical variants among the Hyblaea species complex.


