  • 期刊


Synchrotron X-ray Spectroscopy for the Development of Green Energy Materials


綠色潔淨能源材料的發展在近幾年政府的推動以及全球環保意識抬頭的情勢下,有顯著的進展。各國在聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC)的架構下,共同在2021年於英國簽訂格拉斯哥協議後,宣告燃煤時代的終結,以及綠色潔淨能源的發展,成為不可阻擋的趨勢。本篇文章列舉出數項使用自行設計的實驗模組,藉助國家同步輻射中心的光束線實驗站,來說明同步輻射光譜用於量測能源材料,在進行各種修飾或光電反應過程中,材料組成、晶體結構、相變化、電子組態、價態及配位環境所量測到的變化;並簡要闡述同步輻射光譜在這些能源材料開發上的發現,對於未來進行綠色能源材料的配方設計、改善使其性能與使用壽命,以及後端材料模組化的意義。


The development of green and clean energy materials has got the significant processing with the aids of promotion from government and raising environmentalism. Global nations have signed with Glasgow Climate Pact in UK (COP26) under the frameworks of UNFCCC in 2021 to declare the termination of coal era and the beginning of green-clean energy, the development of green and clean energy materials becoming an unstoppable trend. In this article, several works done with self-assembled experimental mode and beamline stations in National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC) were introduced to explain the variations of material composition, crystal structure, phase transition, electron configuration, valence, and coordination environment from the modifications or photoelectrochemical reactions measured by synchrotron radiation spectroscopy. These synchrotron radiation spectroscopy-based findings in energy materials development were also described to explain the meanings for the composition design of green energy materials and the terminal modular of materials.
