  • 期刊


An Analysis on the Model of Social Development of the PRC's Western Region Development



2000年10月11日,中國共產黨第十五屆中央委員會第五次全體會議通過《中共中央關於制定國民經濟和社會發展第十個五年計劃的建議》,正式提出「實施西部大開發」的戰略。這個戰略不僅關係中國大陸的經濟發展、民族團結、社會穩定,也關係地區協調發展和最終達成共同富裕,是實現鄧小平第三步戰略目標的重大措施。相關的研究十分豐富,但大多集中在說明此一戰略的來龍去脈和介紹戰略的目標、任務、政策措施。本文則試圖以社會發展的概念,解讀西部大開發,歸納西部大開發的社會發展模式。 全篇論文分成七段,除了還原西部大開發的戰略指導方針、目標和主要任務,也介紹、說明西部大開發的政策措施框架,特別是針對實施四年來的成效,作-儘可能客觀的評估。最後根據運行方式,歸納西部大開發的社會發展模式-以協調發展為理論基礎、以人為重心、以全面建設小康社會為任務。這樣的發展模式,是否具備中國西部特色?作者認為,由於政策實施為時尚短,仍有待進一步觀察。


On October 11, 2000, the Central Committee of CPC approved the proposal of the Tenth Five-Year Plan and formally put forward the strategy of the Western Region Development. Such strategy was not only essential to the PRC's economic development, national solidarity and social stability, but also to its balanced regional development and the common prosperity, its ultimate goal. Moreover, the implementation of overall plan for the development of western region will realize the strategic goal of Deng's three-step strategy. Although there has been abundant material concerning western development, most of them focused on the description of how it developed and the introduction of its strategic goal, mission, policies and measures. Instead, this paper tries to explain the western region development and inductively analysis the social development model of the western region development by borrowing the concept of social development. In this study, the authors separated the paper into seven parts: In addition to describing its strategic order, objective and main tasks, the framework of the western region development has also been introduced and illustrated. By focusing on the evaluation of its efforts since the western region development was put into practice four years ago, this paper tries to come up with an objective assessment. Furthermore, through the analysis of how it worked, the authors could infer a specific model connected with the western region development-taking balanced development as its theoretical basis, individual as its subjects, and all-around development of a well-off society as its prime task. Does this model work as PRC's own western characteristics? The authors argue that due to its short-term application, advanced observation is still needed to make a final adjustment.


Michael P. Todaro,Stephen C. Smith(2003).Economic Development.London:Licensing Agency.


